
Providing Informational, Educational
& Job Training Services for Residents of
Western Maryland.

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Who We Are

The Western Maryland Consortium is Here to Help You Achieve Success

Serving Allegany, Garrett, and Washington counties, the Western Maryland Consortium is a regional workforce development agency dedicated to assisting the general public. Our mission is to facilitate skill enhancement and employment opportunities, enabling individuals to achieve self-sufficiency promptly.

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    Services Offered

    Services Available Through the Western Maryland Consortium

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    Job Search Assistance

    Receive personalized guidance and support on your job search journey.

    Resume Development

    Unlock your potential and stand out from the crowd with our expertise.

    Internet Job Search

    Designed to streamline your search and maximize your chances of success.

    Career Information

    Access valuable insights and resources to empower your career decisions.

    Testing and Evaluation

    Tailored assessments provide clarity and direction for your professional journey.

    Case Management

    We offer personalized support and guidance every step of the way.


    Our workshops equip you with the tools needed for success in today's job market.

    Skill Training

    Hands-on experience and strategic insights to propel your career forward.

    Success Stories
    • Lisa was laid of from her production specialist position with a local brewing company where she had been employed for almost 2 decades and was in the process of pursuing Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits. Lisa came to our office in search of help …

      Lisa Adams
    • In April of 2019, Tricia Riley, a 22-year employee at Verso Paper Mill, Luke MD, along with 699 other workers learned that within 60 days they would be out of work because the mill was closing its doors. “Losing my job after so many years and …

      Tricia Riley
    • Zachary was a 19-year-old high school dropout, who wanted to secure a career and become financially stable to provide a better life for himself. He knew that his lack of education and occupational skills would be a daunting barrier to overcome, …

      Zachary Knode
    • Bryson Brill entered the Summer Youth Program through the Western Maryland Consortium in June of 2020 as a recent high school graduate with limited employability skills. He had worked a part time job with no room for growth and he realized he wanted …

      Bryson Brill